Q cannot be purchased and resold to another organization. However, it is possible for an organization to subscribe to Q for another organization. Where this occurs, the organization that will be using Q is still required to enter into the licensing agreement.
Pricing for Q is on our website. Please note that:
- We provide the same pricing structures to all our clients (i.e., no discounts are provided other than those shown on this website).
Delivery of the software is online. A permanent link is provided on the Customer Page for the user to download the software.
Software copies/backups
It is not advisable to download and install onto other media as:
- We regularly release new versions, so downloaded versions will quickly be out-of-date.
- It may involve a violation of the licensing agreement (in particular, if the license is installed on one machine, then you do not have the right to also install it on another).
- Commonly when this is done the installation instructions are not downloaded and users end up having incorrectly installed versions with many of the features disabled.
Special arrangements with distributors/resellers/procurement organizations
We do not provide:
- Discounts for distributors/resellers/procurement organizations.
- Commissions for distributors/resellers/procurement organizations.
- Links on websites for distributors/resellers/procurement organizations.
It is not possible for the licensing information to be provided separately from the invoicing information. Both sets of information are contained on the Customer Page and the end users need to have access to this page in order to install the software and license.
Required information
In order for us to process a purchase request we require the following information to be sent to sales@q-researchsoftware.com
Purchasing agent information
- Organization name
- Personal name
- Family name
- Phone number
User information
- Number of Standard and Transferable licenses required.
- Whether the user has the ability to install/upgrade software, or, requires this to be done by an IT team/department/contractor. We use this information to determine whether or not to provide the user with an older version that has been more extensively bug tested.
- Organization name
- Contact information for the user or manager of the team:
- Personal name
- Family name
- Address
- Phone number