Please note: Q4.10 includes a built-in editor for QScripts that can be accessed by Automate > Open QScript (Macro) Editor. It is advisable to use this over TextPad as scripts can be run directly from this editor and the location of errors in the script will be highlighted.
There are many different programs that can be used to help you write JavaScript. One popular and relatively simple text editor is You can set it up to work well with JavaScript as follows:
- Install TextPad. Select your preferred version from (i.e., the most recent version in your language), download it and install it.
- Download the most recent JavaScript add-on from here:
- Open the file and copy javascript.syn to C:\Program Files (x86)\TextPad 7. If you have installed a version other than 7, you will need to replace the 7 with your version number, and if you are on an old or unusual operating environment you may need to replace Program Files (x86) with somthing else..
- Open TextPad. (If it is already open, close it and open it again.)
- From the Configure menu, choose New Document Class.
- Type the name "QScript" and click Next.
- Type "*.QScript" and click Next.
- Check Enable syntax highlighting.
- From the list of Syntax definition files, choose JavaScript.syn.
- Click Next.
- Click Finish.
- Click OK (if required).
Any file that is opened in TextPad with a file extension of .QScript will now highlight the text. For some example QScripts, see the QScript Examples Library.