This script sets up a project and combines many of the ideas from other examples in this library. It:
- Imports some data.
- Recodes data.
- Changes variable type.
- Illustrates the creation of logs.
- Creates and edits some plots.
- Inserts an image.
- Creates some tables.
Please note:
- If you run this script, whatever you are doing in Q will be closed and not saved.
- The actual output of this script is ugly. It is designed to illustrate technical aspects of using scripts and is not intended as a template for excellence in reporting.
// In this script we set up Phone.sav, and try to use many QScript functions.
log('Starting script');
var data_file = project.addDataFile(".\\phone.sav", "phone.sav", { auto_tidy_labels: true,
auto_detect_questions: false,
strip_labels_html: true });
alert('Configuring data file ' + data_file.fileName);
var first = data_file.variables[0];
log('First variable is '' ('+first.question.questionType+', '+first.variableType+')')
assert(first.equals(data_file.getVariableByName('id')), 'Expected id as first question')
// Hide the respondent ID variable. Not useful in analysis.
var report =;
data_file.getVariableByName('id').question.isHidden = true;
// Fake a weight variable.
var gender_var_name = data_file.getQuestionsByName("Gender")[0].variables[0].name;
var weight = data_file.newJavaScriptVariable(gender_var_name + " == 1 ? 0.5 : 1.5", false, "weight", "Weight", null);
weight.question.isWeight = true;
// Join variables together to make a Pick Any question.
var q5_vars = data_file.getVariablesByName("Q5_")
log(q5_vars.length + ' variables match "Q5_"');
data_file.setQuestion('Q5', 'Pick Any', q5_vars);
// Treat 'Don't know' in Age as missing data, if not already.
var age = data_file.getQuestionByName('Age');
var dont_know = age.valueAttributes.getSourceValueByLabel("Don't know");
if (!age.valueAttributes.getIsMissingData(dont_know))
age.valueAttributes.setIsMissingData(dont_know, true)
age.variables[0].label = "Age (known)"; // Also renames question, because is just one variable.
// Create a banner, simplifying the data reduction of
// its consitituent questions first.
var gender = data_file.getQuestionByName('Gender');
var banner_gender = gender.duplicate("Gender for BANNER");
banner_gender.dataReduction.moveAfter("male", "female");
var age_var = data_file.getVariableByName('q4');
var banner_age_var = age_var.duplicate(); = "ageBanner";
var banner_age = banner_age_var.question; = "Age for BANNER";
banner_age.dataReduction.hide("15 and under");
banner_age.dataReduction.merge(["20-24 yrs", "25-29 yrs"], "20-29 yrs");
banner_age.dataReduction.merge(["30-34 yrs", "35-44 yrs"], "30-44 yrs");
banner_age.dataReduction.merge(["45-54 yrs", "55-64 yrs"], "45-64 yrs");
banner_age.dataReduction.rename("65 and over", "65+ yrs");
data_file.moveAfter(banner_gender.variables, banner_age.variables[0]);
var banner = data_file.createBanner("BANNER", [[banner_age, banner_gender]]);
// Add a plot.
var plots = report.appendGroup(); = "Plots";
var plot = plots.appendPlot("Stacked column/bar plot");
plot.primary = age;
var occupation = data_file.getQuestionByName('Occupation');
occupation.valueAttributes.setIsMissingData(-9, true);
occupation.valueAttributes.setIsMissingData(0, true);
log("Changing label for '"+occupation.valueAttributes.getLabel(7)+"' to 'Labourer'");
occupation.valueAttributes.setLabel(7, "Labourer");
plot.secondary = occupation;
log("Default plot size: " + plot.size);
plot.size = [200, 100];
plot.mainStatistics = ["n"];
// Apply a template, which turns it into a line plot.
plot.applyTemplate("Line Plot.QTemplate");
// Turn gender into a banner, which is useful for filtering.
var gender_banner = data_file.createBanner("Gender banner", [[banner_gender]]);
gender_banner.isFilter = true;
plot.filters = [gender_banner.variables[0]];
// Add a Trend plot.
plot = plots.appendPlot("Trend plot");
plot.primary = age;
plot.secondary = occupation;
plot.tertiary = gender;
// Add a Grid of Bars plot with row/column statistics
plot = plots.appendPlot("Grid of bars plot");
plot.primary = age;
plot.secondary = occupation;
assert(plot.rowStatistics.length == 0, "Should be no row statistics by default.");
plot.rowStatistics = ["Average"];
plot.columnStatistics = ["Sum", "Median"];
assert(plot.columnStatistics.length == 2, "Setting columnStatistics did not work!");
// Add an Image.
var i = plots.appendImage("Q Blue Logo.png");
i.setImage("Q Blue Logo.png");
// Add some tables.
var tables = report.appendGroup(); = "Tables";
// Add a summary table.
var table = tables.appendTable();
table.primary = data_file.getQuestionByName('Marital status');
table.secondary = "SUMMARY";
log("Default statistic: " + table.cellStatistics[0]);
table.cellStatistics = ["%", "n"];
table.columnStatistics = ["Base n"];
// Add a raw data table of same.
table = tables.copyAfter(table, tables.subItems[tables.subItems.length - 1]); // append
table.secondary = 'RAW DATA'; = + " raw data";
// Add a crosstab.
table = tables.appendTable();
table.primary = occupation;
table.secondary = banner;
table.weight = weight;
tables.moveAfter(table, null);
// Set up a Pick Any - Grid and put it in a table. Reverse values
// to count, for novelty.
var q20 = data_file.setQuestion("q20", "Pick Any - Grid", data_file.getVariablesByName("q20"))
table = tables.appendTable();
table.primary = q20;
if (!q20.valueAttributes.getCountThisValue(0)) {
q20.valueAttributes.setCountThisValue(0, true);
q20.valueAttributes.setCountThisValue(1, false);
} = "Q20 - INVERTED!";
// Calculate an approximate average monthly bill.
var avg_bill = data_file.getVariableByName("q26");
avg_bill.valueAttributes.setIsMissingData(0, true);
avg_bill.valueAttributes.setIsMissingData(99, true);
avg_bill.valueAttributes.setValue(1, 5); // Less that $10 a month
avg_bill.valueAttributes.setValue(2, 15); // $10 to $19 a month
avg_bill.valueAttributes.setValue(3, 25); // $20 to $29 a month
avg_bill.valueAttributes.setValue(4, 35); // $30 to $39 a month
avg_bill.valueAttributes.setValue(5, 45); // $40 to $49 a month
avg_bill.valueAttributes.setValue(6, 62.5); // $50 to $74 a month
avg_bill.valueAttributes.setValue(7, 87.5); // $75 to $99 a month
avg_bill.valueAttributes.setValue(8, 125); // $100 to $149 a month
avg_bill.valueAttributes.setValue(9, 175); // $150 to $199 a month
avg_bill.valueAttributes.setValue(10, 250); // $200 or more a month
avg_bill.question.questionType = "Number"
table = tables.appendTable();
table.primary = avg_bill.question;
table.secondary = age;
// Span the labels of the Age question, so an extra level of labels appears and further describes the categories.
age.dataReduction.span(['15 and under', '16-19 yrs', '20-24 yrs'], 'Less than 25');
age.dataReduction.span(['25-29 yrs', '30-34 yrs', '35-44 yrs'], '25 to 44');
age.dataReduction.span(['45-54 yrs', '55-64 yrs', '65 and over'], '45 and older');
// Make a new variable by turning a text variable into categorical, and show a
// summary.
var q14_cat = data_file.getVariableByName('q14').duplicateAs('Categorical');
table = tables.appendTable();
table.primary = q14_cat.question;
// Turn a categorical variable into numeric without duplicating it.
// Then do the same, but duplicating. Crosstab the two.
var q15 = data_file.getVariableByName('q15');
q15.variableType = 'Numeric';
var q16_num = data_file.getVariableByName('q16').duplicateAs('Numeric');
table = tables.appendTable();
table.primary = q15.question;
table.secondary = q16_num.question;
// Log unique values from two variables.
log('q4 unique values: ' + data_file.getVariableByName('q4').uniqueValues.join(', '))
log('q14 unique values: ' + data_file.getVariableByName('q14').uniqueValues.join(', '))
log('Finished script');
See also
- QScript for an explanation of how to run this code.
- QScript Examples Library for other examples.
- QScript Reference for technical information.
- JavaScript for information about the JavaScript programming language.
- Table JavaScript and Plot JavaScript for tools for using JavaScript to modify the appearance of tables and charts.
- JavaScript Variables for detail on how to create new variables in the Variables and Questions tab using JavaScript.