When you have a large table and wish to export it to PowerPoint, one solution is to create smaller tables each showing a different range of rows and show it on multiple pages. This article describes how to go from a standard table...
...to a table which only displays a specified range of rows, e.g. only the Pepsi rows:
- Configure your table as you'd like to show it, except for the range of rows.
- Duplicate the your table as many times as you need to be able to show all rows given the ranges you'd like.
- You will need to apply the rule from the menu on each table individually (you can't add it once and use the apply menu to add it to selected items). Select the first table, go to Automate > Browse Online Library > Modify Whole Table or Plot > Show A Range of Rows.
- Specify the First row number to retain, e.g. 4.
- Specify the Last row number to retain, e.g. 6.
- Press OK.
- Repeat steps 3-6 on the remaining tables individually.
How to Show Only a Specified Number of Rows from the Top or Specified Rows in a Table