It is sometimes useful to look at the number of responses that have been provided to a Pick Any-type question rather than just the number of unique mentions by each respondent. We can do this in Q by taking the following steps.
- On the Variables and Questions tab, select all the variables in your Pick Any or Pick Any - Grid question.
- Right-click and select Copy and Paste Question(s) > Exact Copy...
- Set the Question Type for this copied question to Number - Multi if originally a Pick Any or Number - Grid if originally a Pick Any - Grid.
- Set the Variable Type to Numeric.
- Create a table of this new question on the Outputs tab.
- Right-click the table and select Statistics - Cells > Sum and % Share.
How to Count Number of Selections in a Pick Any Question
How to Set Value Attributes for a Pick Any and Pick Any-Grid
How to Compute Statistics for Variables (e.g., Average, Maximum, Number of Responses)