In addition to the methods described in Importing Data From Qualtrics, it is possible for users who have a Qualtrics account with API Access to import Qualtrics data directly. To check whether a Qualtrics account has API access, contact the Qualtrics Administrator at your organization. A Qualtrics Administrator may contact a sales representative at Qualtrics to discuss licensing for API access. When a Qualtrics account has API access, data may be imported by clicking File > Data Sets > Add to Project and then selecting From Qualtrics. You will be prompted to enter your Qualtrics Base URL, and Qualtrics API Token. Details on these are described below.
Qualtrics Base URL
Your Qualtrics Base URL is the base URL when you are logged into your account with "/API" appended to it.
We usually recommend using one of the two for your Base URL:
You can find the datacenter ID and organization ID by logging into your Qualtrics account and going to Account Settings at the top right. Then go to the Qualtrics IDs section of the settings and look for a box that looks like this:
Qualtrics API Token
To find your Qualtrics API Token:
- Log in to Qualtrics
- Click on the User icon and go to Account Settings...
- Click on the Qualtrics Ids tab
- Look at the Token entry in the box labeled User. This is your Qualtrics API Token. If this is empty, you'll need to generate an API token by clicking Generate Token.
For more information on Qualtrics API Tokens, look at Qualtrics API Documentation - Authentication.
Selecting a Survey
Once you've entered your Base URL and API Token, you'll be asked to choose which survey to import.
Notes for Importing from the Qualtrics API
- We do not currently support importing surveys with more than 1 million responses.
- For Q versions 5.13 and later, Q will automatically update the data set with new data (if available) each time you open the project.
- For versions of Q earlier than 5.13, updating an existing Q project with new Qualtrics survey data requires the user to click File > Data Sets > Update, re-enter your Base URL and API Token, then select your survey from the list, and Q will replace your data with the new survey's data.
- Qualtrics Side-by-Side questions may have missing data for some multiple-response questions within them. See the Release Notes for more information.
- When importing Qualtrics "Matrix - Profile" questions, value labels may not be imported correctly if the columns of the matrix are labeled differently between different rows.
- For Single Answer or Matrix - Single Answer questions, a new value may be added called "Not Answered" to represent cases where a respondent has been shown a particular option but decided not to choose any value for it. Cases where a respondent was not shown the option (e.g. due to randomization) are represented with NaNs.
A common cause of connectivity errors is the omission of the "/API" at the end of the base URL. Do make sure that it follows the exact format here:
If you are not getting a list of surveys appearing in Q, then you can test the connection to Qualtrics by taking the following steps:
- Navigate to this link: [1]
- Click the button Try It.
- Enter your API token.
- Check that the box on the right says "200 OK" at the top.
You should get a list of your available surveys on the right-hand side (note you may need to click a little arrow to expand the view).
See Also
How to Import Data From Qualtrics