Save project Saves the current project.
Undo Undoes the most recent action.
Redo Redoes the most recent action (i.e., undoes the undo).
New Filter Creates a new filter variable according to the cells you have selected in the table.
Copy to clipboard Copies the selection to Windows’ clipboard, permitting it to be pasted into other applications. The extended copy options are listed in the Edit Menu or may be accessed by clicking the down arrow on the toolbar button.
Print Prints the selected table(s).
Export to Office If multiple tables are selected in the Report, they are exported to Office using the default settings. Otherwise, the Table Options dialog box is opened.
More Decimal Places Shows more decimal places in the table.
Less Decimal Places Shows fewer decimal places in the table.
Show Percent Sign Shows a "%" after percentages in the table.
Show Money Symbol Shows a symbol (e.g. "$") before money values in the table. Money values exist in Number questions that contain Money-type variables.
Hide Empty Rows/Columns Hides rows/columns where the primary statistic is 0% or NaN in every cell of the row/column.
Change background color for selected cells Select a color for the background of the selected cells.
Computes p-value for selected cells Conducts a statistical test on the data displayed in the selected cells.
Show significance Show higher or lower significance with arrows, font colors (tables only), or using symbols to show differences between columns. Some outputs and export formats do not support all options. Show significance is new in Q 4.7.
Duplicate table Saves a duplicate of the table shown to the Report on the left side of the screen.
Duplicate tree Saves a duplicate of the tree shown to the Report on the left side of the screen.
Duplicate chart Saves a duplicate of the chart shown to the Report on the left side of the screen.