By default, the arrows and font colors in Q show the results of statistical tests of each cell in a table against its complement or exception. When using a Date/Time variable, you can instead have Q compare each time period against the period immediately before.
- A Q project with a Date/Time question or data that can be transformed into a Date/Time question
To create a Date/Time variable see: How to Create Date Variables in Q
In situations with a pre and a post period, or other irregular time periods, see: How to Work with Date Questions With Irregular Time Periods
- Create a Date/Time question if one is not already available.
- Create a table with the Date/Time question in the columns.
- In Q v5.14 and onward go to Edit > Project Options > Customize > Statistical Assumptions > Test Type and set Date to Compare to previous period.
- In earlier versions of Q, go to Edit > Project Options > Customize > Statistical Assumptions and set Date questions to Compare to previous period.
How to Create Date Variables in Q