This article covers a general framework on how to investigate unexpected statistical significance results and adjust your document's Advanced Statistical Testing Assumptions accordingly. If you're setting up your statistical testing assumptions for the first time, see How to Apply Significance Testing in Q first. This article does not troubleshoot custom significance testing or testing run using Rules in Q.
1. Gather the details about the issue
2. Find what is causing the issue
3. Figure out a workaround or a solution
- A table with built-in significance testing applied.
- Familiarity with How to Apply Significance Testing in Q and using the alpha button
- Understanding of the two types of testing done in Q, see our Introduction to Significance Testing article in There are also detailed examples of how exception testing and column comparison testing works.
1. Gather the details about the issue
You will use these details and information to help figure out what is causing the issue.
- Why do you consider the results unexpected? Are results unexpected across the board or with a particular result?
- Review the Advanced Statistical Testing Assumptions of the table.
Use the alpha button
to review the stat testing for a particular cell or cells (if comparing columns instead of using arrows and fonts). Note it's easiest to Duplicate the table and remove any Rules before trying this.
- Do any messages pop up or show in the results when you do this?
- Is any of the detail about the statistical testing unexpected?
- Are there any rules applied to the table that changes the statistics shown? Keep in mind that statistical testing is done before Rules are applied to the table.
- What type of data is shown in the columns? Can a respondent be in more than 1 column? Are there hidden columns? Are there column spans?
- What statistic is shown in the cells of the table? Remember that Q only ever uses the Column % in proportions tests and the Average in numeric tests.
- What documentation and help information is available about the tool(s) or issue? You can search the Q Help Center or Q wiki. For more technical information on statistical tests and examples to explain testing.
2. Find what is causing the issue
Once you figure out what is causing the issue, then you can go to step 3.
If a column isn't getting tested:
- If it's a Total or NET column, confirm all steps are followed in How to Include the Main NET Column in Column Comparisons.
- Does some/all of its respondents overlap with other columns that are tested? By default, respondents who are in both columns are removed from the statistical testing, see the technical detail for Overlaps on our wiki.
- Given the overlap setting, does the column meet the minimum sample size?
- If using exception tests, does the column have a NOT or opposing category to compare to? If the variable set used in the columns has one category and missing data is excluded (so there is not a 0 or not selected category, or hidden category to compare to), a statistical test cannot be conducted because there isn't any other category to compare to.
- Similarly, if each column is mutually exclusive only with missing data that is excluded, no one respondent has a non-missing value across the columns to compare to. As a result, a statistical test cannot be conducted because the columns being tested do not have any opposing group to test against. A clue that this might be an issue is if the percentages in the column are all 100%. This typically is seen more with complex BANNERs.
- If you are testing across mutually exclusive categories in a banner, be sure they are a part of the same question and are not set up as individual Pick Any/binary variables.
If testing results change across tables or waves:
- Confirm the Testing Assumptions are exactly the same for both tables. Note that a table could use the default settings or modified settings for that particular table, so you need to look at each one individually.
- If Multiple Comparison Correction is turned on, please review How to Apply Multiple Comparison Correction to Statistical Significance Testing to ensure the setting is configured as you expect.
- Look for any RULES that are being applied to the table that affect significance testing.
- Confirm your Advanced Statistical Testing Assumptions are what you want, given the documentation and your analytical goals. Some testing scenarios have multiple settings that need to be adjusted. Ensure inputs and settings are set up properly based on our documentation in the Help Center on how to do this.
Test individual Advanced Statistical Testing Assumptions to see what triggers the issue.
- If there are obvious settings or aspects to test, try changing/confirming those one at a time to see if one fixes the issue or triggers the issue. Check the details using the alpha button
for a particular result as you go along.
- If nothing is found from the step above, re-create the issue from scratch by restoring the default settings using the Restore button.
- Slowly change the settings one at a time to confirm they are affecting results as expected, using the alpha button
for a particular result as you go along. Note which setting, in particular, triggers the unexpected result.
- If re-creating from scratch begins with unexpected results by default, repeat steps 2b and 2c but use simpler data. (you can try a similar type of data from our Colas.sav data set).
- If using simpler data still yields an unexpected result skip to 4. Contact Support to clarify how the statistical testing assumptions work.
- If there are obvious settings or aspects to test, try changing/confirming those one at a time to see if one fixes the issue or triggers the issue. Check the details using the alpha button
3. Figure out a workaround or a solution
If the steps above don't lead to an obvious solution, use what you've learned to work toward a solution.
- Is the setting that caused the issue required or can you work without it? You can replicate testing similar to other programs like How to Replicate Quantum Significance Tests.
- Should you adjust the statistical assumptions for this particular output? You can reduce the minimum sample size or adjust any other significance settings on an individual table level instead of applying them as the default testing settings.
- Can you get what you ultimately need using multiple tables or by structuring the data differently? See Create a table of differences and How to Compare Previous Periods Using an Unequal Categorical Variable for some ideas.
- For repeated measures testing or testing across brands and attributes, will stacking the data allow you to perform the testing you'd like? For example, stacking will allow you to compare respondents' brand answers as if each brand response was a unique respondent.
- Can you get something close but adequate to what you ultimately need with a different process? For example, if using a large, complex table as part of the significance testing, will breaking the table up into smaller parts allow you to run similar tests?
- Can your desired testing be done using a RULE? Note these rules are very rudimentary compared to our built-in testing and may be more limited in application. How to Apply Independent Samples Column Means and Proportions Tests to a Table and How to Display Row Comparisons in a Table are two popular ones.
4. Contact Support
If you've worked through these steps and haven't found a solution to the issue or need help in making the solution, please contact our support team at or by clicking on File > Share > Send to Q Support (Encrypted) from your Q Project. Please provide the details of what you learned in the steps above.