The Update Fast feature is used for updating outputs created in Q and exported to PowerPoint.
All objects created in Q are assigned a GUID and can be updated. This includes: charts, tables, images, R outputs (exported as an image), headers and footers.
To update an existing PowerPoint document with revised content, click on PowerPoint Export fast icon or by right-clicking on the output > Export to Office > PowerPointFastUpate and Choose a PowerPoint document to update.
Q will read the Alt Text field of all objects in PowerPoint, retrieve the GUID and cross-reference it with outputs in Q. If a match is found, Q will update the object in PowerPoint, replacing it with the latest Q output. If a match is not found, Q will skip the object.
Q will overwrite objects with matching GUID even if the content of it was changed after the initial export (e.g. Title text was updated). If you don't wish to update a specific PowerPoint object, you can do that by removing the GUID from the Alt text field by right-clicking on the object, selecting Edit Alt text and deleting the content.
Q will save the file in the same folder alongside the original file, adding a consecutive number to the name (e.g. Export(1).pptx).