Trees are created by the Segments dialog. For instance, this is an example of a tree created by Latent Class Analysis.
Below are the actions you can perform with trees.
Anywhere in the Tree
Zooming To zoom in and out, either use the toolbar buttons, or use your mouse wheel (up to zoom in, down to zoom out).
Moving view To move the area of the tree you are looking at, either use the scrollbars at the bottom and right of the window, or click and drag any empty area of the tree canvas to move the tree canvas.
Context Menu
Expand To > Next Level Expands the next level of tree branches, or collapses to 1 Level if all branches are already expanded.
Expand To > 1 Level Expands the first level of tree branches only.
Expand To > 2 Levels Expands the first and second level of tree branches only.
Expand To > All Levels Expands all tree branches so you can see the entire tree.
Tree Format > Layout > Tree (grow down) A traditional computer tree layout, with the root at the top and branches growing down.
Tree Format > Layout > Web (grow left and right) A spider's web layout, with the root in the middle and branches growing to the left and right.
Tree Format > Layout > Stacked Web (grow right) A compact layout with the root at the left, the first level of nodes at the right, and further branches surrounding the top and bottom.
Tree Format > Layout > Color 1-Level Segment Lines Each branch in the first level will have its own color, and the lines that connect its child branches will be colored in. This is on by default in the Stacked Web layout.
Save Segment Membership Probabilities Saves segment membership probabilities as a Number - Multi question. These are sometimes known as posterior probabilities.
Save Individual-Level Parameter Means and Standard Deviations Saves Individual-Level Parameters as a Number - Multi question. This is available when analyzing one Conjoint or Ranking question. These are sometimes referred to as individual utilities and respondent-level coefficients.
Resizing Click on a node to make the resize handles appear, and then drag the resize handles.
Node Context Menu
Split Split a node into its individual categories. Split is available if a node is made up of two or more categories (e.g. 18-24 and 25-30 of an Age question).
Merge Combine two nodes together to make one node. Merge is available if two or more nodes are selected (hold down Shift and click).
Rename Change the name at the top of the selected node.
Prune Remove any nodes branched off the selected node.
Grow Open the Segments dialog and grow more nodes from the selected node. Any analysis will be filtered and weighted for the respondents in the selected node only.
Format > Show Row Labels (This Node) Show or hide row labels for charts in this node.
Format > Show Row Labels (This Level) Show or hide row labels for charts in all nodes with the same parent as the selected node.
Format > Show Question Names (This Node) Show or hide question names above the charts they represent. This is useful when you are analyzing more than one question.
Format > Show Question Names (This Level) Show or hide question names above the charts they represent in all nodes with the same parent as the selected node. This is useful when you are analyzing more than one question.
Grow Settings and Analysis Report... A dialog will appear that contains the settings used to create the selected part of the tree, as well as the parameters of the model that underlies the tree. See the Q Reference Manual for details of this technical output.
Root Node Context Menu
Prune Remove all branches of the tree. This is useful when you just want to chart the analyzed questions without segmenting.
Grow Open the Segments dialog and regrow the tree. The Segments dialog will remember the options that were initially used to grow the tree.
Further reading: Market Segmentation Software