Objectives of the training
Standard training is intended to get you to the point where:
- You understand the core logic of how Q works, and how it differs from other programs that you are familiar with.
- You can do standard things on your own (e.g., import data, run tables).
- You can figure out how to do things not covered in the training.
The training covers much of the content in the following sections of the Q Cheat Sheets:
- What to do when you cannot figure out how to use Q.
- What to do when the data looks wrong.
- Data files and file management.
- Tables and charts.
- Weights and filters.
- Manipulating data.
- Exporting results.
Length of the training session
The training session takes three hours.
Number of participants
The training generally works best with 8 or fewer participants. With more participants the training can be slow due to the inevitable diversity within the group.
How the training is conducted
The training is conducted via a web meeting. It has an interactive learning-by-doing structure. There are no slides or lectures. All the content is on this wiki already (go to the Main Page of the wiki for an overview).
The instructor walks you through the basics of using Q, giving you various tasks along the way to check your understanding of how the software works and key concepts. During the training one of your team's screens is shared with the rest of the training participants, including the instructor, which allows the instructor and other participants to verify that everything is being understood; if you have multiple people in a room, it can be useful to have a projector sharing the screen.
Process for setting up a training session
The process for setting up and running a training session is:
- Install the software on a least one machine. Note that the Licensing Agreement that is enacted when the software is installed contains confidentiality agreements protecting your data (see Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreements).
- Send us the following:
- A data file to your sales contact for use in the training. Ideally, you do this a week before the training, so that there is an opportunity to rectify any problems with the data. In general, it is best to have an SPSS .sav file (see File Formats Supported by Q for more information); you do not need to be an SPSS user to get these files - it is a standard file format that can be exported by most data collection platforms.
- Some details about the background of the participants. In particular:
- The number of years working in market research.
- What software packages, if any, they currently use for data analysis.
- A list of any specific content you wish to address in the training, which we will try to incorporate if it is practical to do so.
- If you will have people joining the meeting from multiple countries, you indicate which countries so that we can set up dial in numbers (it is also possible to log in via your computer, if you have a headset and microphone).
- We send you a meeting invite that includes details for logging in to the web meeting.
- We review the data file and create a plan for the training. Essentially, this involves conducting the process described in creating your own training course.
- You ensure that all people attending the training:
- Have Q and a valid license installed on their machines. Contact support if you need more licenses for the training. Note: if when Q is opened it says Q Reader at the top of the screen, this means that the software was installed, but the license has not been installed, so the software is not fully functional.
- Have access to this machine during the training. The training is structured around a learning-by-doing approach. The training works equally well with people at a central location, or, each sitting at their own desk.
- Have a printed copy of the Q Cheat Sheets.
- Have a copy of the data to be used in the training.
See also
Training for an overview of training options.
Further reading: Market Research Analysis Software