Save project Saves the current project.
Copy drop-down Copies whatever is selected (note that this is a drop-down menu and you can select options within it).
Undo Reverses the most recent action.
Redo Perform the most recent action (i.e., reverses the undo).
Move selected items to top Puts the selected variable(s) at the top. Moving the variables also changes the position of questions in the various menus and lists throughout Q.
Move selected items up one row Moves the selected variable(s) up a row. If the selected variables are not adjacent, they are made adjacent as a result of this action.
Move selected items down one row Moves the selected variable(s) down a row. If the selected variables are not adjacent, they are made adjacent as a result of this action.
Move selected items to bottom Puts the selected variable(s) at the bottom.
Show statistics Shows some simple statistics so you can quickly see an overview of the data for each variable. See the help for the Variables and Questions Tab to understand the meaning of each statistic.
Show source labels Shows the original variable labels read from the raw data file.