There are multiple ways of copying and pasting variables and questions within Q.
Duplicate Question
When viewing a question in the Outputs Tab, right-click on either the rows or columns and select Duplicate Question.
Copy and Paste Variable(s) - Exact Copy
Copies and pastes the selected variable(s) below the current selection.
This is done by selecting the variables in the Variables and Questions tab, right-clicking, and selecting Copy and Paste Variable(s) > Exact Copy. Each variable will appear as a separate question.
Copy and Paste Variable(s) - Linked
Automatically constructs new numeric or text variables whose values and labels are the same as the selected variables, but where the variables are JavaScript Variables and, consequently, will update whenever the original variables data is modified (except for changes of categories on the Outputs Tab). That is, it does not copy the variable, it instead creates a new variable referring to the existing variable.
This is done by selecting the variables in the Variables and Questions tab, right-clicking, and selecting Copy and Paste Variable(s) > Linked. Each variable will appear as a separate question below the current selection.
Copy and Paste Variable(s) - As Values
Creates a new variable using the output of the selected formula variable. The new variable will not change when the formula variable or anything it depends on changes. Warning: If your raw data changes or new cases are added, then this variable may contain wrong data or missing values.
This is done by selecting the variables in the Variables and Questions tab, right-clicking, and selecting Copy and Paste Variable(s) > As Values. Each variable will appear as a separate question. This is only available for formula variables.
Copy and Paste Question(s) - Exact Copy
Copies and pastes the selected question(s). This is the same as Copy and Paste Variable(s) - Exact Copy (i.e., select the variables in the Variables and Questions tab, right-click, and select Copy and Paste Question(s) > Exact Copy), except that any existing groupings of variables as questions are preserved in the copied variables.
Copy and Paste Question(s) - Linked Copy
This is the same as Copy and Paste Variable(s) - Linked Copy (i.e., select the variables in the Variables and Questions tab, right-click and select Copy and Paste Question(s) > Linked), except that any existing groupings of variables as questions are preserved in the copied variables.
Using JavaScript
See Copying/Duplicating a Question.